If not, a legal term indicates that something is being delivered without a counterparty. In addition to being offered free of charge for an agreement, for example, a consideration may also be something in kind, for example, doing work.
Example: If you ship a parcel package to a customer, and you agreed with your customer that the shipping is out of order, then shipping costs are for the sender and not for the customer. < / p> For benefit / Other than not
In contrast to the term, the term is not beneficial or not, which indicates that there is a counterpart to the other party, either in cash or in kind.
(Other than) to not play a major role in, inter alia, the law of commitment. Also in other legislation comes the term. For example, in Article 8, paragraph 1 of the Tobacco Act:
This means that it is not permitted to deliver a younger than 18 years of tobacco products if a counterparty (for example, money) is needed. The free handing of cigarettes at a party, without being directly objected to, is not prohibited by this law article. Terms and Conditions
As stated, (other than) does not play an important role within the contract law. You often encounter this term in terms of terms and conditions. Less often you encounter this term in the core terms, for example, in a contract.