Characteristic subgroup

The donkey is a fairy tale collected by the brothers Grimm for Kinder- und Hausmärchen and received the serial number KHM144. The original name is Das Eselein. The story Reading Warning: The following text contains details about the content and / or the end of the story.

A rich king and queen have everything except a child. The queen is sad, but after a while, she likes a child. The child does not look like a human, but like a young donkey. The mother wanted that she had not got a child and wanted to throw him into the water. The king does not want this, his son is his heir. The donkey is cheerful and loves music. He goes to a famous playmaker and wants to learn to ride on the lute. The young prince comes to a well on a day and sees his mirror image in the water. He is very sad and draws into the wide world with only his lute. The donkey comes an old king with only one daughter, but he is not let in. When he plays on the lute, the gate is opened and the donkey can eat with the servants. The donkey says to be a first name and can then eat with the soldiers, but he also does not like this. Then the donkey can sit with the king and he must say what he thinks of the king's daughter. He thinks it's a pretty girl and he can sit next to her. One day, the donkey wants home and the king asks what he wants. He does not want gold or valuables, but the king's hand.

The wedding is celebrated and the bride and groom go to the bedroom. The king carries a servant to hide himself in the bedroom and this servant sees how the boy finishes the ezelsuid. The bride is fond and they love each other. The next morning the king's son returns to the donkey and the king asks his daughter whether she is sad with the ass as a man. The king's daughter says he is the most beautiful man for her and the servant tells the king what happened. The king goes to his daughter's bedroom the next night and he sees a beautiful young man in the moonlight. The skin is on the ground and the king takes it along. He burns a large fire and burns the skin to ashes. The king's son wants to attract his skin the next morning, but that's gone. He wants to flee, but the king is outside and asks what he wants to do. The young man gets half the kingdom and after the death of the old king he will get the whole kingdom. The young man stays with the old king and after a year he has the whole empire and, as his father dies, he gets another richer. They live in wealth and abundance. Backgrounds Fairy tales of the brothers Grimm

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