Eon (musician)

Eon, real name Ian Loveday (September 22, 1954 - London, June 17, 2009), was an English musician and music producer. Eon was especially known by the acid techno number Spice (November 1990).

His recordings found their way to the pirate stations in London in the early 1980s and were released on small labels such as BAAD and Vinyl Solution. On his debut album Void Dweller (September 1992) he released dark and hard beats with fragments of David Lynch 'Dune and themes from the horror movie Basket Case.

His music formed a link between early Detroit techno and modern dance. In the early 1990s, music was widely used in disc jockey and musicians.

Eon died in a London hospital in June 2009 on pneumonia. Discography Albums Externe link
