The crayfish is a group of crustaceans, consisting of two superfamilies and three families. The families are more closely related to the lobsters than with other families as lobsters. There are several types of crayfish, all of them common to live in fresh water, unlike almost all other lobsters. Most species are highly susceptible to contamination, except for some exceptions. Some more famous crayfish are:
Different types of crayfish are also used as food, lobster (food). Because some species remain quite small, they are also suitable as bait for fishing. They can also be offered as food for aquarium fish, for example cichlids eat crayfish. In the Netherlands and Belgium there is also a kind of, the European crayfish, but it is protected and becomes rare. Also a fungal infection weakens populations and the species is displaced by its American cousin. Sweden & amp; Finland
In Sweden and Finland, it is a tradition to invite friends to a lobster party, a meal of crayfish. New potatoes with dill are cooked to the boil. There is a lot of sung and a lot of vodka drunk. taxonomy Superfamilie Parastacoidea