Ilo De Franceschi (Trieste, 1903 - Paris, 1985) was an Italian anti-fascist French writer and volunteer in the French Foreign Legion. Biography modifies wikitesto
Born in a Protestant Triestian aristocratic family, at the end of the 1920s, because of his opposition to fascism, he was imprisoned.
In 1937, at 34 years of age, for a loving disappointment he enlisted in the French Foreign Legion. Serving in the south of Morocco, at the Atlas Mountain Range, on 19 December 1938, a casual relationship began with a French girlfriend, Madeleine Alain, who lasted two years. The content of these letters will then be published by Ariane Ascaride in Ecrivez-moi, Madeleine, Editions de l'Aube, in 1989. In 1942 he joined the French resistance against the Nazis.
In the Second World War he had a relationship with Cilette Ofaire a Swiss writer. Estimator of Triestino writer Umberto Saba, 1971 in Paris, at the Unesco Circle of Friends, Ilo De Franceschi presented Alfredo Seriani's book (1923-2005) entitled: Gita sull'Ilpiano. Write wikitesto script Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto