Old Armenian titles

From about 300, Armenia developed a very noble system. The important noble families may be described as a clan. They managed one or more provinces and of course had a military task. In addition, Armenia had a number of important court functions that belonged to certain families. Many of these features seem to have a Parthian origin. Below is a description of some of these features: Aspet  Head of the cavalry. Because the Armenian army consisted mostly of cavalry, and the ASAP was of course subordinate to the savings, this function was presumably ceremonial in nature. A function of the Bagratuni family. Ishkan Usually translated with "prince". From the seventh century in use as a title for the naharar who was appointed by the Arabs or Byzantines (according to who had control over Armenia at that time) to Armenia's governor. Sometimes the functions of ishkan and governor were united in the same person, but these functions were also fulfilled by different persons. Marzpan After the conquest by the Sassanids in 428, there was no Armenian kingdom and most of the country was under the leadership of a governor appointed by the Persians, entitled Marzpan. This function was often practiced by Armenian nobles. Naharar Also written as Nakharar of Naxarar. Has different meanings: driver, governor, family head (roles that were usually combined by one person). By definition, comes in every major noble family. In the air governor among the Arabs Patriarch  Because property of pagan temples faded to the Armenian church when Christianity became a state religion, and through great donations, the church became an important power factor in the Armenian society. In many ways, the church is comparable to the great noble families: the patriarchy's office is hereditary and was completed for five generations by descendants of Gregorius the Verlichter, until Sahak (Isaak) the Great who died in 439; In times of war, the church had to support the army with 5000 riders and 4000 soldiers; The patriarchs and their sons conclude marriages with the great noble families. Sparapet  Chief Commander and Commander of the King's Guard. A function of the Mamikonian family. Pay Hoveling who places the crown on the head of the king during the coronation. A function of the Bagratuni family.
