Belgian Federation for Old Vehicles

The Belgian Federation for Old Vehicles (BFOV-FBVA) is a umbrella organization of Oldtimers Belgian clubs. History

In the early 1980s, the first meetings of presidents of antiquity clubs were organized in the then Automobile Museum in Houthalen by Conservator Ivan Mahy.

When the collection of this museum was transferred to Autoworld in Brussels in 1986, Ivan Mahy took the initiative to build a permanent infrastructure around the Belgian clubs of ancient times. The founding meeting took place on September 7, 1988, with 39 oldtimer clubs and the founding members Ivan Mahy, Jacques Bougnet, Gérald Lesne and Arnaud Massant. The federation already had more than 300 affiliated clubs in 2011.

BFOV-FBVA is lid van of the International Federation of Vintage Vehicles (FIVA). Goals

The Belgian Federation for Old Vehicles aims to defend the interests of owners of old vehicles. The association is open to brand clubs, multi-brand clubs, regional clubs, military vehicles, commercial vehicles, old-age clubs, and agricultural vehicles as well as museums and organizers of events around old vehicles. Externe link
