Meta-Object Facility

The Meta-Object Facility ('MOF) is a standard for the Project Management Group (OMG) driven model engineering. MOF is born from the UML language; OMG needed a metamodeling architecture to define UML. MOF is designed with a four-tiered architecture. At the higher level it provides a meta-meta model called M3 level. The M3 model is the language used by the MOF to build metamodels called M2 models. The model example MOF model 2 is the UML metamodel, the model that describes the same UML. These M2 models describe M1 level elements, and then M1 models. These could be models written in UML. The last level of the M0 is the data level used to describe real-world objects. Voices correlateemodify wikitesto Other designers wikitesto

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