Inflatable boat

Marines in a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) Game goods on a pond

An inflatable boat is a inflatable boat made of rubber, plastic or other airtight and flexible material, which can be reinforced with a skeleton made of wood, metal or plastic. In the latter case, speak with a RIB. The buoyancy (and the simplest types also the firmness) derives this boat blown in. Zodiac

Zodiac is a brand name brand name for a professional type inflatable boat, Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) or Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB). With a Zodiac or RIB, the bottom section is of a form-retaining material, usually aluminum or polyester. A fixed steering position is then mounted. Around this hull is a thick, air-filled edge, called the tube. In practice, the tube is not often deflated; The boat is transported in inflated condition. Its slight weight, combined with the rigid hull and one or more powerful engines make it a very seaworthy and viable speedboat.

The KNRM, Marines, Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd are well-known users of the seaworthy RIBs.
