Looking for Jewish Amsterdam

Looking for Jewish Amsterdam is a 1975 film by director Philo Bregstein about Jewish life in Amsterdam before the Second World War. Content

The film is about the relationship between the Amsterdammers and the Jewish population before the Second World War broke out; Several representatives of the original Jewish population give their views on their occupation, religion and the Jewish district, and the film shows the development of socialism and cultural life in Amsterdam. Some surviving Jewish Amsterdammers tell their memories of the time for World War II. The documentary is a search for what has left over buildings and documents that remind the Jewish inhabitants of that time. Examples include the Portuguese Synagogue with the associated library Ets Chaim and the building of the Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond in the Henri Polaklaan. This building was called by the diamond workers 'de Burcht' at the time and is now known as the Berlage of Berlage. Recordings

The film was originally made for the NCRV on the occasion of the seven-hundredth anniversary of the city of Amsterdam. The film is recorded in color in the format 16mm film. The English title is In search of Jewish Amsterdam. Source listing
