Old West polder

The Oud-Westenrijkpolder is a polder to the east of Hoek, belonging to the Polders between Axel, Terneuzen and Hoek.

In 1604, Barthold van Vlooswijk wanted to flood the concerning salt marshes. However, there were all kinds of complications, and in the end the polder was dammed in 1616 by residents of Delft. The polder was initially also called the Delft polder. Immediately after inundation, it followed in 1638. The name Westenrijk is related to the Westenrijk farm near Woerden, of which the Van Vlooswijks owned the tenant rights.

The polder is 238 ha. In the polder is the nature reserve Tin Meadow. 51° 18′ 27″ NB, 3° 47′ 33″ OL
