Jesus preaches his betrayal

The kiss of Judas by Caravaggio

Jesus predicts his betrayal is a New Testament episode that is included in all four canonical Gospels. This prediction takes place during the Last Supper of Matthew 26,24-25, Mark 14,18-21, Luke 22,21-23, and John 13,21-30. In the Gospel of John, prediction is preceded by the assertion in step 13,17-18, Jesus knew that Judas Iscariot would betray him: "If you know these things, you are blessed if you do it. I do not speak of you all I know the ones I have chosen, but to fulfill Scripture, he who eats my bread has lifted his heel against me. "

Blessing in the Gospel of John is therefore not addressed to Judas Iscariot. In Matthew 26: 23-25 ​​Jesus confirms the traitor's identity: "Of course, the Son of Man goes away, as is written of him, but woe to that man for whom the Son of Man is and Judas, who betrayed him, began to say, "Am I that, Master?" And Jesus said to him, "You have said it." Notemodify wikitesto
