Manco Cápac

Manco Cápac, drawing of Guaman Poma

Manco Cacp (Manqo Qhapaq in Quechua) was the first king of the Cuzco Kingdom, the later Incarijk. There are several stories about the origin of Manco Cápac. Legends

In one legend he is the son of Tici Wiraqocha. In another he grows up in the depths of the Titicaca lake at the sun god Inti. However, for ordinary people, it was not allowed to pronounce the name of Wiraqocha, which may be a statement for the need for two founding legends instead of just the first. Life

Manco Cápac ruled about the Kingdom of Cuzco for about 40 years. He set up laws that were only for the citizenship, not for the nobility. One of these laws meant that you did not marry your sister because the laws did not rule the nobility, Manco Cápac could marry his sister. Manco married his sister and they received a child named Roca, becoming the next king of the Kingdom of Cuzco. The birth year and death of Manco Cápac are not exactly known.
