Mickey Trotter

Mickey Trotter is a character from the American soap series Dallas. The role was performed by actor Timothy Patrick Murphy. The character was introduced in the fourth episode of the sixth season and remained in the eighth episode of the seventh season. Personagebeschrijving

Mickey is a cousin of Ray Krebbs and lives in Emporia, Kansas, with his mother who calls him Michael. After the death of Amos Krebbs, his mother requests Lil to Ray despite the fact that he has never been a good father. Ray learns to know his cousin Mickey as an untouchable boy and wants to teach him some ways. He works in a gas station but his mother does not even know that he's always gone. Ray takes him to go to Dallas to work on Southfork. When they arrive, Mickey thinks he can live with Ray, but he has to share a room with other ranchers. Ray tells Mickey that Amos Krebbs was not his true father but Jock Ewing. He does not understand that Ray lives in such a small house if he is an Ewing, but Ray is proud of the house he built himself.

Mickey soon learns Lucy Ewing and is immediately interested in her. However, she does not see him at all and is still in the knot with herself after her deception and failed marriage. Mickey does not give up quickly but always gets the lid on the nose. At one time Lucy has to go to the airport but her car does not start. Mickey gives her a lift and therefore gets too late to pick up a vaccine for Ray. He gets along but does not say that this comes through Lucy. If Lucy thinks this, they will think differently about Mickey and they spend more time together. They get stupid and become a couple. Mickey's mother Lil visits him and does not know if the wealthy Ewing heirlooms are not too high for her son. After Sue Ellen discovers that J.R. cheating on her with Holly Harwood she gets back to the drink. She decides to flee Southfork and Mickey and Lucy see she's drunk. Lucy says to Mickey that he has to stop her and he jumps with her in the car. As soon as Sue Ellen drives the road they are hit. Sue Ellen comes down with some scratches but Mickey is in coma. His condition is worrying and the doctor fears that if he gets back he will be paralyzed from the neck. Lil thinks her son was better killed if that's the life he's getting. In the hospital, Mickey gets a visit to Walt Driscoll who appears to be the advocate. The assault was intentional, but Driscoll tried J.R. to kill but did not know that Sue Ellen and Mickey in the car of J.R. sat down Shortly thereafter, Driscoll commits suicide. When Ray finds out, he gives J.R. The blame of everything, they have a heavy fight, where Southfork is almost in the flames.

Mickey returns to hospital, but is paralyzed from the neck and has little chance of recovery. First, he wants to make plans for a future with Lucy, but soon he sees he will not get better and want to be left alone. He asks Ray to end his life if he ever lives as a plant. Then he gets into a coma where the doctors think he will not get it. Lil wants to pull the plug, but this is not what Ray does for her. He blocks the door for help, and Mickey dies. Ray is being sued before the court. He is sentenced to five years with postponement and must not be sent to prison.
