Pasquale Vena

Pasquale Vena (Pisticci, 1871 - Pisticci, 1937) was an Italian entrepreneur, founded Amaro Lucano. Biography modifies wikitesto

As a young man he moves to Naples with his brothers to embark and emigrate to America. But the nostalgia of the native country was too strong and so Pasquale stopped in the Campania capital where he worked as a bakery, baker and shopkeeper, deepening his knowledge in the field of officinal herbs. After a few years she returned to Pisticci where she opened Caffè Vena, in whose retrobottega in 1894 created, combining different herbs, the Amaro Lucano. Then he founded the company that from that moment grew incessantly. He had two sons Leonardo and Giuseppe Vena. He died at Pisticci in 1937, leaving the company in hand with his children. Links externalize the wikitesto
