The real names

The real names are Andrea De Carlo's twelfth novel. Published in 2002 by Mondadori, among its pages was hidden a CD of original compositions by De Carlo himself, entitled Some Names. Tramamodifies wikitesto

It's the story of two friends, Alberto and Raimondo, who, in order to escape the boredom and lack of prospects of their lives from young Milanese without a real job, invent a series of interviews with some famous rock scene characters; they manage to sell them to a shameless presumptuous publisher. There are a series of small stories that bring the two friends from Italy to the United States, among continual surprises and tragicomic adventures, in search of themselves and the discovery of the world. The narrative structure is particular, with a succession of chapters chained together but self-sufficient as short stories, each containing a title by name, which, depending on the case, is in person, place or object.
