George Caleb Bingham

Bon traders dropped off Missouri, 1845 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1900

Georg Caleb Bingham (Augusta County, March 20, 1811 - Kansas City, July 7, 1879) was one of the most important art painters of the American West.

Bingham graduated from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. After his studies, he traveled through Europe and later through North America to settle in Missouri. He painted landscapes and sights, but in particular he laid down scenes of the (fast disappearing) way of life. The most famous is his genetic traits of vlettermen and fur hunters in Missouri. In order to improve his style, he returned to Europe. His time in Düsseldorf, according to some, had an opposite effect: the characteristic simplicity of his style was lost.

In addition to painting, he was politically committed. In 1848, he was elected to the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, and after his return from Europe in 1859, he was appointed to various political posts, which gave him the nickname General Bingham by the end of his life.
