Kappel (toponymous)

The word part kappel occurs in several toponyms. It refers to a chapel. It occurs in French-Flanders, spelled in French as Cappel, because the second syllable has become dull and the emphasis has shifted to the first syllable, as opposed to "kapelle" in West Flanders, but in agreement with the Zeeuws (for example, "Weskappel" for Westkapelle). Place names with "kappel" are:

Armboutscapel, Oostkappel (East Cappel), St. Janskapel (Saint Jans-Cappel), Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel, St. Marycapel (Sainte-Marie-Cappel), Waalkapel (Wallon-Cappel), Wemaarschapel (Wemaers-Cappel), Westkappel (West Cappel), Zegerskappel (Zegerscappel) Also see
