
A shopping cart is a house for sale at a relatively low price, which is still to be rebuilt. These houses are usually located in problem areas, and the sale of these houses is regulated by the municipality and / or housing association. Often there is a refurbishment obligation. Purpose

The purpose of selling these types of homes is to make it more liveable in a neighborhood. Also, low income people are allowed to buy a house. By incorporating all kinds of clauses in the deed of sale, the municipality may, for example, require the buyer to carry out maintenance of the property. Also, an anti-speculation clause is often included in the Deed of Sale.

Cold crates are usually ex-rented houses, with a backlog in maintenance. It may also be that the government's homes have been obtained from confiscation, such as in The Hague, where a house smolder lost his premises and this by the municipality as a "home" property, but with the obligation to clean up the house under strict conditions , will be given away.

Climate caves and dwellings are especially in the big cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Wallisblok

The Wallis block in the Spangen neighborhood of Rotterdam, a project that released houses for free, won the Job Dura Prize in 2006.
