A big black sleep

A grand summeil noir is a work by the Franco-US composer Edgard Varèse for piano and soprano, written in 1906. Describe the wikitesto modification

A grand summeil noir was written by Varèse at the age of 23 while studying at the Paris Conservatory, and it is his only youth work to arrive. In fact, at least six previous works are known, but they have been lost or destroyed by the same composer at later moments. The great importance of Un grand sommeil noir, despite its brevity, lies in the fact that it is the only to knowing the musical sensibility of Varèse before the experimental period, inaugurated in 1921 with Amériques. A grand sommeil noir follows the romantic music of the previous century, especially for the presence of melodic soprano and piano, which is an exception in the works of Varèse. In compositions of maturity, in fact, the piano is almost always treated like a percussion, as in Ionisation (1931). The sung text is taken from the same poem by Paul Verlaine, in the Sagesse collection.
