Dār al-ḥarb

According to fiqh (but not theology), Dar al-Ḥarb, (in Arabic: دار الحرب); to the letter "dwelling in the war" is the outside territory of dār al-Islām, inhabited by non-Muslims, who are technically called ḥarbī. These are divided into several categories: kāfir - polytheists (mushrik) or apostates (murtadd) - and kitābī belonging to one of the monotheistic religions (Ahl al-kitāb). In dhār al-Harb, dhimmīs (Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and faithful of some other religion (sabei, occasionally Hindus) who normally reside on the land of Islam following a dhimma covenant) no longer enjoy protection and freedom of worship (deriving from the dhimma agreement) benefited from the dar al-Islam. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto Voices correlateemodify wikitesto
