Pheasant Island

The Pheasant Island (Spanish: Isla de los Faisanes, French: Île des Faisans or Île de l'hôpital, Basque: Konpantzia) is an island in the Bidasoa, a border between France and Spain, with a surface area of ​​6820 m²; slightly less than the area of ​​one and a half football pitch.

The island is a condominium: for turns it falls six months under one of the two countries. From 1 February to 31 July, the island belongs to Spain. From 1 August to 31 January, it belongs to France. Many conferences were held on the island in the 17th century. Among other things, the Treaty of Pyrenees was closed in 1659. In the middle of the island is a stone commemorating these events. Here too, hostages were exchanged, deliverables of marital age and so forth. 43 ° 21 'NB, 1 ° 46' WL
