Trans-Atlantic tunnel

A transatlantic tunnel is a theoretical tunnel under the Atlantic Ocean between Europe (London) and North America (New York), connecting the two continents. In the tunnel one could use magnetic field trains. With advanced technologies, speeds of 500 to 8,000 km / h can be achieved.

Tunnel plans like these are never touched beyond the conceptual phase, and no one is currently following this project. The most mentioned route is that between the United States and the United Kingdom, or more specifically, New York and London. The main obstacles to the construction of such a tunnel are the costs - possibly $ 12 billion - and the limits of current knowledge of materials. Also with existing large tunnels, such as the Channel Tunnel and the Seikant Tunnel, using less advanced technology than a possible trans-Atlantic tunnel, the price remains the biggest game breaker. A trans-Atlantic tunnel is about 200 times longer than the longest existing tunnel and could cost 3000 times as much.

In 2003, Discovery Channel broadcasted a report entitled "Transatlantic Tunnel", in which the proposed tunnel is discussed in detail. History

Suggestions for a tunnel as they go back to Jules Verne who wrote about it in 1895. In 1913, the novel Der Tunnel, published by German author Bernhard Kellerman, was published. This novel inspired four films with the same name: one in 1914 by William Wauer, and separate German, French and English versions came out in 1933 and 1935. The German and French versions were written by Curtis Bernhardt and the English version was partially written by SF writer Curt Siodmak. An original poster for the English version was valued at over $ 2000 at the Heritage Auction Galleries in Dallas in the summer of 2006, which suggests a contemporary interest.

Robert H. Goddard, the father of rocket technology, had two of his 214 patents on the idea. Arthur C. Clarke mentioned intercontinental tunnels in his 1956 novel, The City and the Stars. The 1975 novel, A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah !, describes a vacuum / maglev system on the bottom of the ocean. An edition of Popular Science suggests that a trans-Atlantic tunnel is easier than thought first and without unusual engineering challenges. It draws a favorable comparison with laying transatlantic pipes and cables, but at a price of 88 to 175 billion dollars. Variations

There are many different variants of the concept, including a tube above the seabed, a tunnel under the seabed, or a combination of the two.

A 60's proposal has a 5,000-kilometer vacuum tube with vacuum trains, a theoretical type of magnetic field, which could travel at speeds up to 8,000 km / h. At this rate, the journey time between New York and London would be less than an hour. Another modern variant designed to reduce costs is an underwater tunnel that drives about fifteen floors below the water surface.
