Dynasty: The Reunion is a 1991 miniserie that consists of two parts based on the successful TV series Dynasty of the 1980s. The main roles are played by John Forsythe (Blake Carrington), Linda Evans (Krystle Carrington), John James (Jeff Colby), Heather Locklear (Sammy Jo Reece), Emma Samms (Fallon Carrington Colby), Kathleen Beller (Kirby Anders ), Al Corley (Steven Carrington), Maxwell Caulfield (Miles Colby), Michael Brandon (Arlen Marshall), Robin Sachs (Adam Carrington), Jeroen Krabbé (Jeremy Van Dorn) and Joan Collins (Alexis Colby).

The first part was first seen on American television on October 20, 1991. Part 2 followed October 22, 1991.
