Sarpedonte (son of Europe)

Sarpedonte was the son of Zeus and Europe, and the brother of Radamanto and Minosse.

He came into conflict with Minosse, or for the succession to the throne of Crete at the death of Father Putative Asterion or because of the controversy for the youthful love of Mileto.

Sarpedonte emigrated to Caria, where he founded the city of Mileto, according to other sources founded by the young hero Eponimo escaped with the lover. According to the genealogy handed down by Diodoro Siculo, in Asia Sarpedonte created Evandro, who joined Deidamia or Laodamia, the daughter of Bellerofonte, from which was born the homonymous Sarpedonte, the licious hero killed by Patroclus under the walls of Troy, in Homer said son Zeus. Other designers wikitesto

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