A dental parodontologist is a dentist specializing in periodontology.
This is a so-called horizontal specialization after following a Master's degree in Periodontology. This is a postgraduate education that lasts 3 years.
The Dutch dental parodontologists are represented by the Dutch Society for Parodontology (NvvP). To be a recognized dental parodontologist (recognized by the NvvP), not only must the training be completed but also contribute to the quality assurance of the association. This means, among other things, that there is mutual consultation and control of the quality guidelines.
However, the appointment of the dentist's dentist's dentist is not reserved, except for the dentist's title, which shows that many dentists in the Netherlands also call dentists who are not recognized by the NvvP. Of course, they do not participate in the quality assurance program of the NvvP.