Robin Mallapert (before 1538 - after 1553) was probably a French musician of the Renaissance, lived mostly in Rome and today reminded above all as a master of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.
Biographical news on his account are very few, except for a few statements where he appears as a chaplain master at the most important Roman churches: the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Louis of the French (National Church of the French Rome), Giulia Chapel at St. Peter's and Basilica of St. John Lateran.
Between 1538 and 1539, when he was a teacher at Santa Maria Maggiore, he had the little singer-songwriters entrusted to him by the young Giovanni Pierluigi; so the musical learning of the future 'Prince of Music' is to be traced back to that period. Palestrina was also his successor to Cappella Giulia in 1551, with the same assignment.
So far, the only musical compositions most likely attributed to Mallapert are six Magnificat (written by Robinus), contained in a manuscript guarded at the Vatican Apostolic Library. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto