New Knight

New Knight is a historic brand of motorcycles.

The company name was Holloway & amp; Knight, Bedford, later Lantons Garage & amp; Engineering Ltd., Peterborough.

This was an English brand that began in 1923 with the production of motorcycles with 147, 247 and 349cc-Villiers two-stroke engines and a 293cc-JAP sidecar engine model. The brand still disappeared from the market in the same year.

However, it came back in 1924, possibly after the acquisition by Lantons Garage in Peterborough. Once again, the 147 and 247cc Villiers engines were built, but the machines were more modern, with the Howard Davies-designed saddle tank and drum brakes on both wheels. In 1925, the 247cc model was replaced by a 172cc model, which became the only model in 1928. In 1929 a 172cc sport model and a new 247cc model were added. Both models had a Sturmey-Archer three-speed gearbox.

However, the brand did not survive the Great Depression and disappeared from the market in 1931.
