Edward Taylor (Leicestershire, ± 1642 - Westfield, June 29, 1729) was an American poet, doctor and pastor at the time of the United States colonization of the United States. As far as known, he is the only American poet belonging to the metaphysical poet. biography

Taylor came from a puritan family. Although he presumably first studied for a priest, he was not admitted to the Anglican Church. In 1668 Taylor emigrated to Massachusetts Bay Colony, where he continued his studies at Harvard University. After graduating, he became dominee and physician for the small town of Westfield in 1671, and he continued to perform his functions until his death.

In many of Taylor's poems, calvinistic views like the doctrine of predestination sound. The seal of Taylor was not published during his life and remained virtually unnoticed until Thomas Johnson encountered manuscripts in the library of Yale University Taylor in 1937. The first parts of Preparatory Meditations (1682-1725) and God's Determinations touching his Elect (circa 1680) were published immediately after the discovery, which was only done in 1960 with Taylor's complete closure.

As a theologian, Taylor joined the New England puritans, who believed that faith and sin-free life alone were insufficient to join the local congregations. For this, one had to experience a profound conversion experience, such as the Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus, and can retard them. Taylor became one of the main advocates of this vision.
