A school agenda is a special type of agenda intended primarily for students. Unlike an ordinary annual agenda, a school agenda follows the year. Starting with the month of August / September, he continues until June / July so that the school year is covered from beginning to end. In view of the target group, a school agenda includes, inter alia, parts that are generally not included in a common agenda, such as a class timetable and grade list.
The first Dutch newspaper advertisements for school agendas date back to 1898. From 1922, the so-called Pestalozzic calendar was published in the Netherlands, a book that could also be used as a school agenda. The booklet contained tips, trials and a lot of information about various subjects and was rich illustrated with pictures and drawings.
Ryam claims that she has released an illustrated school agenda as one of the first in the 50's. In the 70's, some Ryam agendas were designed by graphic designer Jurriaan Schrofer.
The supply of paper agendas is still high in 2015, but they are partly displaced by electronic calendars, including on phones and tablets. Externe link