Jarretank was a Speedrock / Punk band from Zwaagwesteinde.
biographyJarretank was founded in 2004. The band itself speaks Speedrock & amp; Roll. The songs are written mainly in Frisian, in the line of bands like Jitiizer and Strawelte. The lyrics of the band can be described as rebels but humorous. In 2010, the band released the CD 'Fryske Rebel'. In 2011 Jarretank made known to stop. In December of 2011, the band gave a farewell concert in Zwaagwesteinde. Three band members, along with two others, went on to smoke gun. At the end of 2013, the band gave a reunion concert during the farewell to pop music It Badhûs, together with Newsense Memory among others. Band members
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