Miguel Ángel Oquelí Bustillo (February 25, 1856 - April 18, 1938) was a military and politician of Hondue. General Miguel Oquelí Bustillo, General Máximo B. Rosales and General J. Ignacio Castro commenced a coup with President Nicolas Bonilla on 25 February 1907 with the help of Nicaraguan soldiers. Bonilla ruled since 1903 as authoritarian head of state. After the fall of Bonilla, a government junta (Junta de Gobierno) was formed with General Oquelí as chairman. The junta made it possible for General Miguel R. Dávila to become President of Honduras on April 18, 1907. Dávila ruled from 1907 to 1911 and had the support of the United States of America. Also see