Alphonse Alkan

Alphonse Alkan (Paris, 1809 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1889) was a French publisher.

La sua collezione di stampe and incuneaboli dell'epoca andò persa. Tra le sue opere più note citiamo Les Femmes Compositrices d'Imprimerie under the French Revolution of 1794, by an Old Typographer, 1862 (anonymous); The Portrait Engravers in France, 1879; Documents for Serve in the History of the Parisian Bookstore, 1879; Books and Their Enemies, 1883; The Labels and Inscriptions of the Box-Volumes of Pierre Jannet, Founder of the Elzéverienne Library, 1883; Edouard René Lefèbvre de Laboulaye, a Founder in Characters, Member of the Institute, 1886; Berbignier and HisLivre: the Farfadets, 1889; The Four Deans of Parisian Typography, 1889.
