Francesco Ignazio Mannu

Don Francesco Ignazio Mannu (Ozieri, May 18, 1758 - Cagliari, 19 August 1839) was a Magistrate of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Son of Giovanni Michele and Margherita Ruig both of noble families. He studied in his hometown and then studied at the University of Sassari where he graduated in law. After graduating, he moved to Cagliari where he held his legal career. Although it was close to John Maria Angioy's political positions, however, he did not suffer any serious consequences, in fact, in 1798, he was part of the realm of names proposed on March 1 by the Royal Audience for the office of Vice Intendant General and in 1819 became Judge of Real Audience. He also became part of the Royal Audience Commission, established in 1824, which compiled the text of the Laws of the Kingdom of Sardinia. He was the author of the patron saint patriotu sardu a sos feudatarios. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto Links externalize the wikitesto
