RO TV is a series of thirteen documentaries that came into being in collaboration with the RO Theater. The series was broadcast by commissioner RTV Rijnmond in 2008. The VPRO broadcasts the series from 19 May 2009. The series was screened in 2008 during the Dutch Film Festival.

The directors Pieter Kramer and André van der Hout work without script and take an actor from the RO Theater to a Rotterdam location where a fictitious eventuality is played. The actor walks among ordinary people who usually do not know that he is an actor.

The broadcast on a plan for the construction of a megalomanite brothel in Katendrecht led to turmoil among some of the residents. They invested an emergency meeting against this fictional plan.

Other subjects include wheelchairs, a play by demented elderly people, assisted by an elderly listener and "The Bombardement, the Musical".
