Franz von Rottenburg

Francis v. Rottenburg in gala uniform

Franz Johannes (Fritz) von Rottenburg March 16, 1845 in Danzig - February 14, 1907 in Bonn) was a German lawyer and politician. He served as Deputy Secretary of the Chancellor of the German Chancellor and was an employee of Otto von Bismarck.

The Rottenbergs were a Danziger and Keul's gender of merchants. A great-grandfather of Franz was raised in the Polish nobility. In 1887, Franz-Johannes Rottenburg was given the right to place the predicate "von" for his name.

Franz von Rottenburg carried the 2nd Class of the Order of the Red Eagle with eikenloof, "The Cross of the entire Lippe Principal House, the plaque of a Grootefficier in the Order of the Lion of Zähringen and the Great Cross" the Saint-Stanislaus Order of Russia. He was Knight Ie Class in the Order of Philipp the Great.
