National Liberation Army (Colombia)

ELN flag

The National Liberation Army (in Spanish: Ejército de Liberación Nacional - ELN) is a Marxist revolutionary insurgent guerrilla organization that operates in several areas of Colombia since 1964.

The ELN has fewer affiliates (3,500-5,000 guerrillas) and is less well known than the FARC, another rebel Colombian formation. Unlike FARCs, which refer only to Bolivar's Marxism and figure, the ELN, at least in the beginning, was also heavily influenced by liberation theology. The ELN rejected the Soviet model and privileged an indigenous economic and political model, refusing foreign funding, and was funded by popular support and taxes imposed in the controlled territories. ELN, by statutory disposition, refuses to link to drug trafficking, although in practice it happens that individual fronts are tied to drug trafficking to self-finance.
