Diamond Triangle

Image from the first complete printed book (868)

The Diamond Saddle is a saddle that forms a standalone part of the Prajnaparamitas tetra, like the Hartsoetra.

According to this seter, all perceivable should not be seen as the highest reality, but as an illusion of own consciousness. The Diamond Stern is called this because he carves as sharp as a diamond sword through worldly illusions, to clarify what is real and eternal.

A copy of the Diamond Triangle, found between the Dunhuang manuscripts, was identified as the first printed book that has been completely preserved. It is dated May 11, 868. It is a five-meter long and 27 cm wide scroll book, consisting of seven pieces of text clipped each of a single log, with a large woodcut on the right. This blockbook was found in China in 1907 by the Hungarian-British explorer Aurel Stein, who left it at the British Library in 1943.
