DNA extraction

DNA extraction is a procedure that allows DNA to be isolated from cells, so that it can then be used in molecular biological experiments or forensic research.

Protocols for DNA extraction can usually be divided into 3 steps: History

As early as the nineteenth century, scientists were already able to isolate DNA and RNA as a mixture from nuclei. Soon, it was found that these molecules are elongated polymeric nucleic acids, but it was realized only later that two different types of nucleotides were present. RNA contained ribose, but DNA deoxyribose groups. This discovery eventually led to the identification and naming of DNA.

Friedrich Miescher (1844-1895) discovered a substance called nucleine in 1869. Some time later, he was able to isolate this substance, now known as the DNA from salmon sperm. In 1889, Miesscher's student Richard Altman mentioned the substance nucleic acid. He found that this new substance was found only in chromosomes. Richard Altman was the first to isolate DNA pure and without proteins.
