foreign soldiers

The militaries, or even just the peregrini, were a body of the Roman army stationed in Rome.

Different hypotheses have been made on the identity of the peregrini. The first hypotheses are based mainly on the testimony of sepulchral epigraphs concerning officers in Rome who are commanded by such peregrines, so, according to this hypothesis, because they are without citizenship. The peregrine militias would therefore be a military body of the Roman army stationed in Rome constituted of soldiers without citizenship. Subsequent discoveries would instead suggest that with peregrini referring to commanders of various formations detached in Rome, in camps called castra peregrina. In particular, these formations would be specialized bodies such as frumentarii and speculatores seconded to Rome but originally belonging to legions located in other provinces. These formations and their commander would therefore be "peregrini" not because they are not citizens but as non-legions of the Ura, even though they are stationed in Rome. One more reason to call them the aliens would be that they were mostly provincial, that is, non-italic, while all urban troops (such as Urbanians and Praetorians) were enlisted within the Italian borders.

The only roles we know for the peregrini are:

We know that these were directly subordinate to the centurions of the frumentarii and that the next degree was primipilo in a legion. Notemodify wikitesto
