National Fascist Party

Logo of the party The Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF) (Dutch National Fascist Party) was a fascist political party founded by Benito Mussolini, ruled in Italy between 1922 and 1943. It is up to now the only party whose rehabilitation according to the Italian Constitution is forbidden. History

In 1919, Mussolini founded Milan in Fasci di Combattimento. This movement was made up of squad of veterans who claimed to restore order and to give Italy the right to it. The Fasci di Combattimento eventually became a political party under the name of Partito Nazionale Fascista with Mussolini as Duce (Supreme Leader). In 1922, Mussolini was sponsored by King Victor Emanuel III. Mussolini was now able to transform Italy into a fascist state by exiting the other political groups (Socialists, Liberals, Catholics) in succession.

On July 27, 1943, the party was banned by new Prime Minister Pietro Badoglio. Presidents
