Antonio Maria Dal Sole

Antonio Maria Dal Sole (Bologna, 1606 - Bologna, 1677) was an Italian painter. Biography modifies wikitesto

News on his life is scarce. A student of Francesco Albani, he entrusted his son Giovan Giuseffo to the shop of the painter Domenico Maria Canuti.

Few even the news of his activity: in two unpublished eighteenth-century manuscripts, Marcello Oretti reports of landscaping paintings in various houses in Bologna, were "two countries of Antonio Dal Sole", while "in the Marescotti house in Strada Maggiore four great pictures with countries [...] in Angelelli's house in Strada Maggiore a loggia there are beautiful landscapes painted in cool. In the house of Antonio Bianchini Bricklayer are six Great Countries, but none of these paintings has been traced. Notemodify wikitesto
