Data Encryption Standard

Print plate with multiple DeepCrack chips used for a brute force attack against DES

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a method of encrypting data with symmetric cryptography.

DES is based on IBM's algorithm Lucifer, and was elevated in 1977. DES works in the basic form with a key length of 64 bits (56 bits + 8 control bits), but in 1995 it appeared that DES in its original form is no longer reliable and safe.

DES character is that the information to be encrypted is divided into data blocks of each 64 bits, which are pushed in 16 steps in defined ways. In most steps, half of the bits are manipulated via an Exclusive OR function, changing the key as well as the group of bits per step.

The disadvantage of the basic version of DES is that the same output always displays the same output with the same key. And since 64-bit blocks are always being used, 64-bit blocks can be overwritten with another 64-bit block, so that part of the message is repeated. To counteract this, additional measures have been devised.

DES has been accustomed to a large group of experts from the outset. Lucifer, on which DES is based, worked with keys of 128 bit length. DES was finally provided as standard with keys of only 56 bit length. The NSA (National Security Agency) has had a hand in it, probably to ensure that DES code for the US government continued to crack. However, in the 90's, the NSA adjustments were just safer against certain cryptographic attacks.

Standard DES desks are not inadmissible, certainly not for government: projects like SETI show that combining computing power is easy to realize, especially if unrestricted citizens want to work with their computer. This type of threat is known as the Chinese Lottery.

In order to increase the key length and thereby (probably) the security of DES, one has devised a circuit with three DES algorithms connected one after the other. This is called 3DES, or Triple DES.

DES was followed as an encryption standard because of the shortcomings by the safer AES.

Schneier, Bruce (2004-09-27), CNet Retrieved 2010-10-28.
