Eptatretus lakeside

Eptatretus lakeside is a species of the mucous membranes family (Myxinidae). It is an orange-pink species. The total length is 275 mm.

The species was discovered in deep water (760 meters deep) near Fernandina, one of the Galapagos, during an expedition in 1999 with the American submarine Johnson Sea-Link. The brand name is a tribute to the Lakeside Foundation of California, a nonprofit organization that supports scientific work.

Around the Galapagos Islands, several new Epatetra species have been discovered; besides E. lakeside also E. mccoskeri, E. wisneri and E. grouseri. Every kind appears to be at a certain depth; E. grouseri for example between 648 and 722 m and E. wisneri between 512 and 563 m depth.
