Laurethane knights

The Lauretian Knights were an equestrian order set up in 1545 by Pope Paul III. Stored by wikitesto

The purpose was to create a defense at the Holy House of Loreto to preserve it from attacks from land and sea, in particular by pirate ships crashing into the Adriatic Sea. In addition, according to the statute of the order, which included the payment of 500 shields to access the order, it was a reason for important revenue for the Papal States. On the other hand, the knights then had the right to take possession of the noble title resulting from the ordination of a knight.

Order was abolished by Pope Gregory XIII in 1580 but then restored by Pope Sisto V in 1586, setting up the Order's maximum of 200 units. Seventy years later, his successor Alexander VII brought the staff to 270 knights who remained so until 1693. In that year, Innocent XII abolished the Order for the second time, returning to all the knights the sums they paid to access the Order itself. Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto
