On air (Alan Parsons)

On air is an album by Alan Parsons from 1996.

The album follows the history of aviation, starting with Daedalus and Icarus in Too close to the sun, through Leonardo da Vinci's dreams about flying in One day to fly, to plan to get a man on the moon in Apollo, a song in which the voice of John F. Kennedy was heard with his famous speech on May 25, 1961.

The song Brother up in heaven was written by The Alan Parson's Project Ian Bairnson, guiding his cousin, shot down during a peace mission in Iraq in 1994.

Fall Free is assigned to Rob Harris, an airfare that ended in 1995 while filming a soda recipe.

The album contains two discs: the first is the music CD, the second is a multimedia cd-rom about aviation history. Numbers
