Turnaround time (astronomy)

The turnaround or lateral period is the time a celestial body carries about once to turn the celestial body from which it is a satellite.

In many cases, there is approximately a two-member problem (other celestial bodies have little influence), in addition, often the mass of either body is by far the largest; This applies to the planets to the sun, and to the art satellites around the earth, and to some extent to the moon around the earth. In that case, the path is an ellipse, and for a given central body, the turnaround time is proportional to the ellipse (or half) of the ellipse to power 1.5 (at a given eccentricity, this exponent consists of a term 1 the length of the track, and a term 0.5 for the lower speed when the track is larger); For a given job, the turnaround time is proportional to the mass of the central body to the power -0.5. Longitudinal scaling (for example, making it twice as much) at constant densities does not change the turnaround time (because the mass is proportional to the third power of the linear size). In case of two-body problems in general, including the case that both masses are of the same order, a simple formula for the turnaround is still valid, the two masses must be aggregated only.

In our solar system, we know the circulars of planets about the Sun and the turnaround times of natural and artificial satellites around the planets. A small hold of the famous turnarounds in our solar system:

The turnaround time of a "low" path of a small satellite around a bolsymmetric celestial body depends solely on the average density of that celestial body, proportional to the average density to the power -0.5 (see above). < / p>

Approximately, at a job, the sun has the turnaround time in years of distance (at a large eccentricity: the half-major axis of the elliptical track) in astronomical units, to power 1.5 (see above, with these units the proportionality constant 1).

For an example, see Alpha Centauri.
