ARM7TDMI is a 16-bit / 32-bit RISC CPU designed by ARM, based on ARM v4T architecture, and used by many semiconductor companies as a core for microcontrollers and system-on-a-chip. It is a versatile core designed primarily for mobile and low power devices. Its main feature is emulation in real-time.
This CPU has a generic architecture architecture that can be implemented with a variety of technologies, and can occupy a surface of 13 mm square and run up to 230 MIPS in 90 nm technology.
It has a JTAG interface for circuit debugging and a 32-bit unified bus used both for data and for instructions. This interface has a 128-bit buffer that allows you to debug 32-bit instructions at the maximum clock speed.
The script code for this CPU can be executed directly on the latest ARM9 family CPUs.
The most popular products using microcontrollers or chip based systems on this CPU are the Apple iPod, Nintendo Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS, most Nokia phones, and Lego Mindstorms NXT >
This processor supports 32-bit and 16-bit instructions through, respectively, ARM and Thumb instruction sets. Links externalize the wikitesto