The Kumpo is a mythological figure of the Diola in the Casamance
The Kumpo, the Samay and the Niasse are three traditional figures in the Diolas mythology in the Casamance (Senegal) and also in Gambia.
A traditional dance festival in the village is organized at regular intervals throughout the year, for example during the Journées culture cultures. The Samay invites everyone to attend the party.
The Kumpo is dressed in a pack of palm leaves and wears a sturdy stick on the head. At the beginning of the dance, a colored flag is bound by a young lady. He dances for hours with the stick and the flag on the head. He speaks a secret language, and communicates through an interpreter with the listeners. Social background
He encourages the community to establish good deeds for the well-being of the community. He encourages community life and does not ask better for all the attendants to make good at the party.
The party is therefore an incentive for social village life. Not participating in the party is socially punished; It does not give a good impression to isolate. The whole community goes on making very rhythmic music and corresponding dance.
According to tradition, the Kumpo is no person but a spirit. There is a strong connection with the bois sacré. It is therefore completely forbidden to ask for the identity of the Kumpo. He must not be approached, and it is a sacred skill to try to fend under the palm leaves. That's why he dares to shake off attackers by striking or stabbing his stick!
At the end of the party he takes leave of the community and retires in the bois sacré. Other mythological figures
De andsende Kumpo op YouTube - Bagaya, July 10, 2011