Giovanni Rogatino

John, nicknamed Rogatino (... - ...), was an Byzantine general lived in the 6th century. Biography modifies wikitesto

In 563 it was magister militum for Africam, or supreme commander of Byzantine forces in Africa. In January of the same year he refused to pay the annual gold pension that Koutzinas, Mauri's chief, was usually receiving from the Empire, and even made him assassinate, causing a serious Mauri revolt, devoted to the assassination of their boss.

The Mauri devastated parts of Byzantine Africa, before being detained by Marciano, magister militum and grandson of Justinian, sent to Africa by his uncle to quell the revolt. Marciano eventually defeated them, pacifying Africa again.

It is not to be ruled out that Giovanni Rogatino, instead of holding the office of magister militum, was a prefect of the Praetorium, because apparently he had no armies to quell the revolt, which had to be seduced by Marciano. Notemodify wikitesto Bibliografiamodifica wikitesto

Primary sources

Secondary sources TriStar Home Video for home video. Some of the international releases were: Promote the wikitesto

The tagline is: "She was seducted into a world of sexual adventure ... and dangerous deception." ("He was seduced into a world of sexual adventures ... and dangerous deception."). Notemodify wikitesto Links externalize the wikitesto
